Suzanne Proksa:
Welcome to another episode of the Suzanne show. I am Suzanne Proksa, your hostess, business strategist, and coach for women and businesses with visions and missions for themselves and others that make them leap out of bed in the morning. I talk a little business, a little personal development, and whatever else I come up with. If you love the podcast tell your friends and please do give me a rating. Hello. We all need those. Right? So let's move on with the episode. I hope you love it.
Suzanne Proksa:
Hello. I am pumped to be here today. Yes. I am back at it again. A lot of you know I took a very extended break, and I am back. So I am super excited to talk to you today about the 4 struggles that come from lack of clarity. So this is going to be for you if you find yourself struggling to create content and come up with program ideas. You know, you just struggle and struggle with creating those posts, creating those blogs.
Suzanne Proksa:
And when you go to create a program, you're like, oh, I just don't know what to create and what to put in this thing. If you feel like you're all over the place with your business, Hello. Listen. When I was unclear on what the heck I was doing, you would find me in Canva day and night. Does this sound like you? Canva or making my website pretty. Oh my goodness gracious. The hours spent in Canva. Next, you never seem to follow through on anything with your business.
Suzanne Proksa:
You know, like, just tons of grand ideas, but then you get going, and then you're just like, I don't know where to go next with this. Maybe this is too much, etcetera. K? So if you're still with me, I'm thinking that this is gonna be for you. So if you don't know who I am, or even if you do, I'll reintroduce. I am Suzanne Proksa. I'm a business strategist and coach for time strapped women ready to tap into some leveraged visibility and strategy so they can stop feeling like they're getting nowhere and finally see some rewards for all of those efforts and actually have some time for themselves and not be spending all of their freaking time online or, gag me in Facebook groups, That is who I help and what I do. I am also a self professed, first of all, dork, taco obsessed, Marvel obsessed, Mandalorian obsessed, getting ready to watch Wonder Woman kind of person who embraces every little bit of Irish that I have in me. And, yeah, you can tell.
Suzanne Proksa:
So you can find me on social media just about anywhere, at Suzanne Proksa. Everywhere. Even my Facebook group. When you go to search for groups, my actual URL has Suzanne Proxa in it. I've just made it easy across the board. And if I can ever get into Clubhouse, it will be at Suzanne Proxima as well. The struggle is real with that. Even with an invite, the darn thing won't let me in.
Suzanne Proksa:
So I don't know. But so some of you are watching live today. Some of you are listening on the podcast. So know that either way, if you are more of a visual person, you will be able to catch the live video. If you're part of my Suzanne crew, I'll tell you how to get in there next. Or if you're a podcast person, you're probably overjoyed. You can head over to the podcast once this episode is uploaded, and you can just listen. K? So let's talk about the 4 clarity struggles, and I'm sure there are more, but these are the top four that came to mind for me.
Suzanne Proksa:
And they're in no particular order. Alright? So number 1, what offer to create? This often happens with a lack of clarity, on who your ideal client, customer, whatever is. And when you're not clear as far as what they want. And we have to remember, you've probably heard this time and time again, that what they need isn't always what they want. You know, I remember when I was a health coach, you know, and and and it was for people with chronic illness, fibromyalgia, things like that. Basically, the things that I have, that I've worked on and and had success with. And you know what? They didn't really want to do the things that were necessary. You know, they they wanted something, a quick fix, something simple.
Suzanne Proksa:
What they really needed were a lot of dietary changes and life changes and things like that that, of course, a lot of people just aren't willing to to make. So you really have to if you know your audience, this actually becomes really easy. If you're really clear on your audience and you have that time with them, this actually becomes quite easy. It's amazing when when the switch gets flipped. Like, you just know. Like, you're just like, oh, it's oh my goodness. This was it all along kinda thing. And you really, you know, once you figure out who your who the person is, then if you can just start paying attention to what are they talking about, because they post about it.
Suzanne Proksa:
They they talk about it, and I guarantee if you're in Clubhouse or get into Clubhouse, if you really listen, you're gonna figure this out real quick. Listen to the people who meet your ideal customer, avatar, whatever you wanna call it. And in 30 days to Visible, we're absolutely going to dive into this a lot more. So if you are somebody who's like, oh my gosh. I just don't even know, you know, where to start with this, don't worry. We've got you covered in 30 days visible. We will talk about this and help you out. So number 2, where to get visible? Oh my goodness.
Suzanne Proksa:
The struggle is real on this one. Okay? So I think that, you know, this this is a result often of not knowing your audience. You know, not knowing where they spend their time online, not knowing how they absorb content. Once you get those things figured out, the angels sing once again, and you just know where to go, what to post, and all of that. You know, when I'm talking about, like, even we have a real a real thing with people thinking social media is the only way to market, and there's just so much more out there. I think you have to think about all the ways that people consume content. Now, obviously, most of us aren't going to be advertising or getting out on, like, news stations and media stations and things like that, but some of us are. Some of us are.
Suzanne Proksa:
And then there's publications. You know, are they are these, you know, more online readers? Do they go to blogs? Do they look at online magazines? Or are they still doing the old school thing and picking up those magazines at the grocery store when they're checking out? You know? Or are they going to Barnes and Noble and looking at that magazine section, which is drool worthy? You know, how are they consuming that content, is, you know, something that you really wanna consider. Because let's face it, like, after this election cycle, there are a lot of people you can you could just watch the mass exodus, like, in the business community. Like, all of a sudden, there's these people who are, like, larger than life, always in Facebook, blah blah blah, moving over to Instagram or moving over to TikTok, which is a whole other discussion and thing that we we talk about in 30 days to visible. You know, where you where you should be going and where your strategy should be, that kinda thing. Because I'm sure we've all seen some of these amazing people who are freaking bosses, like, on Facebook or YouTube or wherever it is, Instagram. Excuse me. And they are, like, over struggling with TikTok because some expert told them that they had to be on Tik TikTok.
Suzanne Proksa:
It's like, no. You don't have to be on TikTok if you don't wanna be on TikTok. Alright? Is it great for some people? Abso freaking lutely. The lady who I can't think of her name. She it was definitely in her wheelhouse. Like, she's animated. She's fun, you know, all of that. Loves the camera.
Suzanne Proksa:
I mean, truth be told, I'm kinda that way too, so I get it. She she took to teaching TikTok right away, right when it was new, and I'm sure she's making bank right now. So it just all depends on, you know, your expertise and all of that. And, again, we'll cover all that in 30 days to Visible. But I just wanna mention some of these things to get your wheels turning. Okay? And so, again, once you get clear and you know where your peeps are, it it's so much easier. Number 3, confidence. Okay.
Suzanne Proksa:
So let's face it. First of all, 2020, hot mess. I think we can all agree on that. I actually tend to lean toward trying not to complain about it a lot because it's just one of those it is what it is scenarios, and we know it's a dumpster fire. And what can you really do, other than do whatever you can to keep yourself happy, keep your people and things all going in the right direction. But not only that, but then we also have all of these mindset issues that we have, whether it be from, you know, just upbringing or just being a normal human, you know, Comparisonitis and worrying about what our family's gonna think. You know, the fear thing, being afraid to put ourselves out there. You know, some people, hurt my heart because they, they don't wanna get on camera because they don't feel like they're attractive enough or or whatever that is.
Suzanne Proksa:
That just hurts my soul. But so we have all these things. Right? And then we add to it a lack of clarity a lack of clarity on who our people are, what they want from us, what they want to hear us say, what they want to hear us put out into the world, and that just adds to it and creates a snowball effect. So then reasonably so, if if we think about this, you know, getting clear on what they wanna hear from us, how we can help, how we can make an impact, as most of my followers wanna make some kind of an impact. Right? So you'll hear me use impact often. This raises your confidence because you're so much more sure about what you're doing and putting out into the world. And then, of course, you have to work some more on some of those other things that we come in with in the first place, you know, worrying about what our family's gonna say and all of that shenanigans. And once again, you know, 30 days to visit when we talk about that, you know, getting that confidence worked up, you know, worked out and and things like that.
Suzanne Proksa:
So not being clear just adds to the mix. Right? The poop storm. Number 4, what content to create. So content creation blocks. Hello. I think we've all been there. If you're brand new, you probably definitely have it. I can't tell you how many times, once again, ended up on Canva somehow sideways because I just couldn't figure out what to write, what people wanted to hear that day.
Suzanne Proksa:
And it's absolutely because I just did not know my audience. K? And, of course, this was when I was new. And then, also, in my business, like a lot of people do, I have the whole struggle with the identity crisis. Like, do I let them know what I'm really like? Do I let them see all of this animation? Or, do I do stodgy professional? I started with stodgy professional. Lord have mercy, people. My videos as a health coach, I was reading. I had to read. I have not always been, like, able to just rattle stuff off.
Suzanne Proksa:
You know, I was not always that confident or have that level of expertise where I could just blah blah blah talk. It was awful. K? So didn't know what they wanted. Didn't really know who my people were. Totally confused on my own brand. Again, another clarity issue. So I was trying to be all stodgy. And the interesting story is that once I decided I did I've been so blessed, you guys, with the coaching and everything that I have received.
Suzanne Proksa:
I was so blessed to work with a branding, person. Actually, a couple different people go through the surveys and stuff that kinda get you your personality and that kind of thing, was finally able to embrace all the kooky and goofy. Hallelujah. Because, you know, life for me is about fun and humor. And if I can't do that, I struggle. And so making content was a real struggle in somebody else's voice. That's exactly what it was. I was trying to create in somebody else's voice.
Suzanne Proksa:
Once I started using my own voice, oh my gosh. So much easier. So what you can what you can see here, you know, if you look at what I have on the slide, content roadblocks can often stem from clarity issues or even strategy issues. I gotta tell you, if you know what you're trying to accomplish and who your audience is, content creation gets a lot easier. And so this is why the canned content calendars and stuff like that don't work for a lot of people. Of course, you don't hear from those people because, you know, everybody's putting their positive testimonials up there for these things. But, you know, here's your content calendar for 365 days. Here's my content system that you too can use.
Suzanne Proksa:
Believe me, I I've bought those. I've looked at those. I've bought I bought canned content up the wazoo as a health coach, which is absolutely freaking ridiculous because I actually am certified, went through a very pricey Proksa, all the content in the world, but, again, all these other things that we just talked about. And so there's a reason why this stuff doesn't work because it's it's not geared toward what you're trying to accomplish. If you're just putting stuff out there to put stuff out there, it's you're it's just going nowhere. You know? So, like, it's like putting, I don't know, pins all over a map and not really knowing your destination. I mean, how are you ever gonna get to your destination if you don't have some kind of a plan? And how are other people gonna know what the destination is if you don't have some kind of a plan? You know, it's the same it's the same concept here. Once you get that clarity, once you get that strategy reeled in, then the clarity comes.
Suzanne Proksa:
And this is another thing that I am just beyond pumped, to teach in 30 days to visible as well, because I just think that there's so much that you can learn and narrow down just by getting some clarity and some strategy together, I tell you, I think there's a lot of people who have been terrified to get out there or who feel like they're just getting nowhere and always paying attention to their content. You know, people who really just have no idea how to strategize, who are going to just completely thrive after this program. Oh my gosh. You know, people who listen. Listen. I love Gary v. I follow him. I absolutely do pay attention to what he's got going on, Neil Patel, you know, all of them.
Suzanne Proksa:
Because I like to see all the new platforms and stuff like that. Obviously, I'm into visibility. I'm also super techie. Super techie. And so that interests me. But what the problem is is that a lot of new entrepreneurs, you know, will will see that, and they'll see that Gary v is like, follow me on TikTok. Follow me on Instagram. Follow me on Facebook.
Suzanne Proksa:
Follow me on I I think he's still doing Periscope too. You know, follow me here. Follow me there. Oh, YouTube. I mean, the dude's everywhere. And he should be because he's got a staff of, like, a bazillion. But that isn't necessary and doesn't work for everybody. And so we're gonna talk about that, when we cover, you know, things that are around.
Suzanne Proksa:
Number 2, you know, where to get visible and that kind of thing. So, hopefully, you got something here that made you think, oh my gosh. That is that is probably where my problem is. I need to figure this out. So clarity is the first step. Alright? I think clarity is so freaking valuable when you're in business. You know, flopping around like a fish out of water, throwing shit at a wall, whatever phrase you wanna use. I just I it it's painful.
Suzanne Proksa:
It's painful painful to be the person in it, and it's painful to watch from the outside. And you can just see it. Like, I see people putting questions in Facebook groups and stuff like that that have absolutely no purpose. And I just so badly want to help them, because it just it happens a lot more than it needs to. Okay. So first thing I want to mention remention is that this will be, in my SUS crew hub and, also the the slides for it as well, or at least the transcript. So if you're a Suzanne crew member, you'll have this in the resource hub. If you are not a member yet, you can go to
Suzanne Proksa:
You can see that sues with, and get yourself signed up. And then you get access to my resource hub. You get, tips and trips tips and tricks from me. You get an invite to my Facebook group. You also get, to you get invite invites to different training sessions, master classes, challenges, whatever it is I'm doing at the time. And then you also get Suzanne discounts for programs, and you'll get, you know, on a whim, I'll I'll send out a discount on something else. So, you're the 1st to hear about things that come out, so all for free. So I would get in there today.
Suzanne Proksa:
And then I keep talking about 30 days to Visible. Right now, until January 2nd, it's open for founders rate. So, the normal rate is 797, and founders rate, you need a coupon code That is action taker, all capital letters, action taker, and that will get you $300 off. So you can get in as a founder for 4.97, and you get, like, all the updates. Okay? So that's what that's the benefit of being a founder for for something if people do it the way I do is that, of course, you know, this is gonna get rereleased and improved over time, and you will get that all that new stuff. Okay? So and then you're also gonna get significantly discounted if you actually want to, just take part in, you know, the live portion of it. When I run it again, I mean, really significant because you are already gonna have access to the materials. And so the way I've set up the founders is that you are in, a product that is just gonna keep getting updated.
Suzanne Proksa:
So you can't lose. K? So hope to see you in there. 30 days to I made it super simple. And, yes, this beautiful screenshot is what it will look like on the inside. So I thank you so much. I hope you enjoyed the live today. Holler at me in the comments.
Suzanne Proksa:
You know, if you're listening on the podcast, you know, make sure you join the Sue's crew. Make sure that you get into my Facebook group and roll with me on social media so that we can talk and and connect and all of that good stuff. Okay? So thank you so much. Hope you found this valuable, and I will talk to you guys soon. I hope that you loved this episode. If you did, give me those shout outs, show me some love on iTunes, give me a rating, and hey, if you wanna know where to find me, you can find me on pretty much all social media at Suzanne. That's suzanneproxsa and you can also head over to my website, Until then, I'll see you in the next episode and here is the party music for you.