Suzanne Proksa:
Welcome To another episode of the Suzanne show. I am Suzanne Coxa, your hostess, business strategist and coach For women and businesses with visions and missions for themselves and others That make them leap out of bed in the morning. I talk a little business, a little personal development, And whatever else I come up with. If you love the podcast, tell your friends, and please do give me a rating. Hello. We all need those. Right? So let's move on with the episode. I hope you love it.
Suzanne Proksa:
Hala hala. Hey. I am popping in real quick to tell you About something that I offer that I absolutely love, and that is my free Sue's crew membership. This is not your normal email list. This is not that 20 email a day, kinda crazy all up in your inbox. I don't do that. This is me giving you access to a free hub with all of my freebies in it. Right now, as of this recording, that includes Facebook Disenchanted Girl's marketing, my crickets crush your workbook, and how to make that impossible goal possible, and I keep adding stuff.
Suzanne Proksa:
That means no signing up over and over and over again. It is just there for you to access when you want it. Also, you are the only People, if you sign up for the Sue's Crew membership, who will have access to any free trainings and master classes that I do. The only people that get that are free Sue's crew members. You also will be invited to my free super secret Sue's crew members only group, the visible and profitable entrepreneur. That is awesome. That is women who are serious about Running a business, getting visible, and being successful, unlike some of the other groups out there that, let's face it, Our complete free for all of people who aren't really interested, but they're just looking for a place to promote. This group is not that kind of group.
Suzanne Proksa:
You also get special offers and discounts that I will only give to people who are members of my free Sue's Crew membership. And that does include on coaching and programs and things that come up. You get first notice, first dibs, and you get discounts. So that means if the if I launch something that only 5 people can get into, if you are part of this membership, you're going to get first Notice and first dibs, which is awesome. So if you are super pumped and you wanna join, I've made it super easy. Just go to That's, and it will take you to the page to sign up. And that is it.
Suzanne Proksa:
I hope to see you in the Sue's crew. Alright, y'all. This one, this might Sting a little for some of you. Oh, girl. I don't even know. I don't even know. So here we here we go. So today, we're gonna talk about the simple mistake I see costing you clients on Facebook.
Suzanne Proksa:
So I have actually talked about this topic before. I've done live videos on it. I've put it out there, and it is just it is a thing. It is a real thing. Like, This has been going on for so long, and I know that some people are just really Funny about it, whether it's mindset issues or what it is. But most of the people, I think they just Don't think about it. So we're gonna approach this topic again. And the reason that it's coming up again Is that I have recently been looking for VAs.
Suzanne Proksa:
I have recently been looking for, Kajabi And so, you know, when you're in the on Facebook And you're looking around and you're asking people for, recommendations and stuff like that, you know, they tell you who to check out. Right? Or if you, see a post in Facebook and somebody's asking about VAs and stuff, hey. I Back them too because I'm looking as well. And so I start to click on the names of people that are being suggested, which, Where does it take you? It takes you to their personal profile on Facebook. Okay? So when you're running a business and you have a presence on Facebook, you have your personal profile And then you have whatever page you have for your business. I would hope everybody has a Facebook business page. But where people land when all of these referrals happen is your personal page. So it's super important to make sure that that personal page takes them somewhere and really gets them to The end destination that you want them to go to.
Suzanne Proksa:
So for instance, for me, when I go to check somebody out, I wanna see the link under the intro that takes me to their Facebook business page. I want to see Their website, which is people very rarely have it on their personal, which I'm not sure why. So then I usually click on the link to the business page and then look for the web page there. Sometimes people actually fail to Put their website on their business page too, which is a double whammy. At that point, I'm not looking anymore, and I know I'm not alone. So it's very important that you make sure that there is some visibility for your business on your on your personal profile. So, no, you know, Facebook rules are you're really truly not supposed to be doing all business on your personal profile. I don't see a lot of people doing that anymore.
Suzanne Proksa:
You know, I certainly see plenty of people who are posting their rah rah posts and and such like that. But other than that, I don't see a ton of people, you know, using that personal profile for business anymore. But, you know, the higher end coaches, it's very clear, you know, they understand how important it is to have all these things, which are perfectly okay with Facebook or they wouldn't put the features there. K? They know how important it is because you can go and you can see all these things. So first of all, Facebook gives us this wonderful little thing that they call a bio, and that's right under our name, and It's a great place to put your I help statement. I think it's only a 100 characters, so you could do an abbreviated version. And, hopefully, your I help statement is to the point and not one of these fluffy things. You know, and and by fluffy, I mean, You know, you'll see people who are very passionate about, you know, their work that they do that involves the universe and crystals and all of that stuff.
Suzanne Proksa:
And you look at the description and you have absolutely no freaking clue, like, what what that's all about. And then but then you also do have people who are doing business coaching too who I used to do it. Oh my gosh. I had a paragraph. So hey. Outing myself yet again. I help women do this and this and fluffy fluffy fluffy fluffy fluffy fluffy crap. Now it's I help you get more eyeballs on your online Etsy or brick and mortar business.
Suzanne Proksa:
That's it. Like, boom. Done. Very to the point. So if yours is to the point like that as it should be, then you will definitely be able to fit it in that bio area. Great that you love dogs and tacos and all of that stuff, but that's not really what you wanna put here if you are in business. And I actually have enough space left on mine because of how, concise mine is to have my web address there. And I am just noticing that actually online, that is clickable now if I'm actually, on a desktop or laptop.
Suzanne Proksa:
So that's a bonus. And then under the intro, this is where you have the opportunity to do some amazing things. So I have mine. I've got writer at medium on here. So this is where you can put, like, your jobs. So make sure you're you're a business owner. So I have business strategist and coach at Suzanne Proxa, and it links out to my business page. Okay.
Suzanne Proksa:
So you go into edit details in this intro area and you'll see all this stuff. I also have writer at medium because I am a writer for medium. I'm a writer for Thrive Global too. Actually, I should put that in here as well. Now I do I do not recommend listing a bazillion things. I know it feels impressive, and I used to do it. But then I realized that people weren't really seeing the most important one because you can't sort them the way you want. So it's how Facebook puts them.
Suzanne Proksa:
And I wanted to make sure that they saw that I was a business strategist. And so I took off a bunch of things, because I really have a lot of stuff I could put on here, like, a lot. So I narrowed it down. The other thing is that I have, links and they let you do this to my 3 Favorite social accounts. Well, one of them is technically a search engine. So I've got my link to Instagram, my link to Pinterest, and my link to Insta or Insta LinkedIn. And then I also have a link to TikTok, which I'm probably gonna take off of there. And then I have, under website, because they let you list websites, I have my Suzanne Show podcast, And I have my regular website there as well,
Suzanne Proksa:
So I have all of that available for people to click on so they can check me out. It it does look like they did away with the 1 image that you used to be able to have. The last time I clicked on edit featured, it it was actually featured stories and not featured photos anymore. So, I could be wrong. I have to play with that some more to see what they've got going on there. But what's more important is making sure that you have that little Take advantage of that bio area you're linking to your business page and that you've got your websites linked out, because I am not kidding you. There are 10 to 20 women, probably 15 to 20 women, whose profiles I went to check out for VA and Kajabi work, and it was a dead end to nowhere. And I Tried searching for business pages, and the epic fail there was that they probably didn't have those under their name, Personal brand, so I couldn't find them that way either.
Suzanne Proksa:
There's no way to find them, so I just gave up. I you know, I'm not Like most people, you know, lack of time and not gonna work for it. Because when people go to stalk you, They're gonna they wanna check you out. I mean, if you you're a person. You've done this before. I'm sure. Yeah. You want to you want to be taken somewhere that's gonna let you look at somebody without before you get into the whole Discovery call process and blah blah blah blah blah.
Suzanne Proksa:
You wanna look at their work. You wanna look at their pricing. I don't care. I'm not gonna get into the pricing debate. Pricing is Personal, and it's a process. And I am a true believer In I can't afford it, really truly meaning you can't afford it. And I'm also a believer in I can't afford it, meaning you just don't want to afford it. So that's why I won't debate on it because there's just Different schools of thought and feels around it, and it just depends on what camp you're in.
Suzanne Proksa:
So people there are a lot of people out there. I have a lot of discussions with people about sales pages and the long ones and how useful those really are or maybe not. And the majority of people I talk to go straight to the price because they just wanna know if it's within their price range. It it's a thing. It that there's a lot of people that they just wanna know that. So when I say that people are going to check that out, they really are. You know, for Kajabi people, it's really interesting. You'll have people charging 2 to $300 To do a sales page for you, beautiful work.
Suzanne Proksa:
And you'll go to someone else's page, And they are charging 5,000. Also beautiful work. You know, then you get then you get into, you know, other conversations. But That's what people wanna see. They wanna do that prehomework, and they're certainly not going to do the work of trying to find you. So check out your profile and see if you have all these things. And if you don't, It'd take you, like, probably 15 minutes to get yourself all situated, and then you're good to go. When people Refer to you on Facebook or when people see you comment on a Facebook post, about the work that you do.
Suzanne Proksa:
Alright. I hope this was helpful. Based on the number of people, like I said, that I took me to absolutely nowhere To check them out, I am guessing that this problem is still a huge issue. And I hope, hope, hope, that if you are one of the people that didn't have this stuff listed, that you can, head over there and get that taken care of. Talk to you on the next episode. I hope that you loved this episode. If you did, give me those shout outs, show me some love on iTunes, give me a rating and hey, if you wanna know where to find me, You can find me on pretty much all social media at suzanneproksa. That's s u z a n n e P r o k s a.
Suzanne Proksa:
And you can also head over to my website, Suzanne Until then, I'll see you in the next episode in here. Parte music for you.