Suzanne Proksa:
Welcome To another episode of the Suzanne show. I am Suzanne Coxa, your hostess, business strategist
Suzanne Proksa:
and coach For women and businesses with visions and missions for themselves and others That make them leap out of bed in the morning. I talk a little business, a little personal development, And whatever else I come up with. If you love the podcast, tell your friends, and please do give me a rating. Hello. We all need those. Right? So let's move on with the episode. I hope you love it. Hey.
Suzanne Proksa:
Hey, everybody. I have a short and sweet episode for you today. But sometimes, short and sweet is super helpful. So We are going to talk about 2 easy ways to get out of that content Creation slump today. Whoop whoop. How excited are you about this? Listen. I don't know anybody who has not dealt with this at one point or another. And let's be honest, if you are a person with chronic illness, That damn brain fog creeps in at the worst moments.
Suzanne Proksa:
Doesn't it? And then it creates all the self doubt and all of that icky stuff that goes along with it. So I promise quick. So number 1, And we are actually going to really, really dive into this in my upcoming program, 30 days to visible. We are starting on October 5th, and I actually have the cart open already. And to let you in on a little tip, I am going to give my Sue's crew members a Huge discount. We're talking about 30%. So if you want To get 1st dibs on that discount and get one of the limited spots in 30 days to visible, I would join the Sue's crew today so that you don't miss out on the code and the email and all of that. So I made it easy.
Suzanne Proksa:
Head to suzcrew dotnetsuzcrew.netandgetyourselfsigneduptoday. And you get my free resource hub and access to the super secret group if you're interested in that. You get all of my, my trainings and stuff That I do for free, I will only be doing those for people in my Sue's crew. Finally putting my foot down that only people who are truly interested are gonna get access to that content. So I'm super pumped. And I just had a big announcement the other day that I Loaded all of my business mojo and margaritas episodes to the Sue's crew hub. So there you go. So number 1 is don't do I am not saying that no.
Suzanne Proksa:
There is a place for this, Doing themes and all of that. You can absolutely if if that helps you doing themes for content creation and everything, that's great. But if you are somebody who actually has, you know, scheduled things that you're going to release, Scheduled things that, you are trying to drive people to, then number 1 can be Tailoring your content specific specifically to that thing. Okay? And that's a really great idea as well. And like I said, I'll dive into this more in 30 days to visible, you know, how to do that and make it super easy. But talk about an easy tip. If you are releasing something or leading something to a specific coaching package or a specific course or whatever is that you're doing. Maybe you're launching a podcast.
Suzanne Proksa:
Girl, throw some teaser content out there even. Like, you can do quotes and simple things if you are really, really having the brain fart something fierce. And then, you know, write stuff out on another day. Remember, there are a bazillion types of content. Again, we'll talk about all this 30 days to visible and help you figure out what's gonna work best for you and where your content is best going to land. But you can absolutely Use some of these simple things today, you know, quotes from your your stuff that you've already got created for your program, for your coaching. Heck. Go to your coaching page.
Suzanne Proksa:
What can you grab off of there? And then that kind of leads me into my second thing, And that is take in content. I can have days Where I'm completely uninspired and I have no idea what to talk about. And I'm crabby and cranky. I got the brain fog and. Right? That's how we get sometimes. And I will listen to a podcast or I will listen to Something in business by design because I signed up for that. I love Wedmore. He is amazing.
Suzanne Proksa:
And I'll listen to something that I'm like, oh my gosh. I'll come up with 5, 6, 7 topics and stuff that I can rattle off the top of my head just like I'm doing right now. It's it is a game changer. So if you're struggling, you know, maybe there's a podcast that you love Or there's something that you that you purchased, a program or something, and you're like, oh, yeah. I can go back and listen to Ex coaches, you know, video in the course that I took on this and that will help spur some ideas. Now never ever copy somebody else's stuff. But I'm trusting that if you are in business, you're doing it because you have something special to offer, Special and different, and so you're always putting your own twist on things, and you found a better way, etcetera. You know, you've got something like that going on.
Suzanne Proksa:
So these are just things to help trigger your brain a little bit to go, oh, yeah. You know, I'm just not thinking of that because I'm just tired or brain foggy or I've created so much content already. You know, whatever it is, something to really spur that for you. So I hope That these very, very simple and short tips are helpful for you, I would love to hear from you. So if you, you know, you join the SUS crew, Hop into the the super secret group and, you know, tell me. Like, hey, Suzanne. Thank you so much for that easy tip because I listen to this, or maybe read a magazine. You know, I do that too.
Suzanne Proksa:
I'll go and look at entrepreneur. And, oh my gosh, every time I read entrepreneur, I get a bazillion ideas. All my own, not taken from anybody else's shit. It it's just it it helps. So I would love to hear what you came up with, what triggered that for you, and, You know, also, you know, what you've come up with for, you know, tip number 1, I wanna hear. So thank you so much. And, hey, this is way shorter than the previous episode, so we're sticking to my 20 minutes or less Attempt. Alright.
Suzanne Proksa:
Thanks, everybody, and enjoy your day. Hala hala. Hey. I am popping in real quick to tell you about something That I offer that I absolutely love, and that is my free Sue's crew membership. This is not your normal email list. This is not that 20 email a day, kinda crazy all up in your inbox. I don't do that. This is me giving you access Success to a free hub with all of my freebies in it.
Suzanne Proksa:
Right now, as of this recording, that includes Facebook Disenchanted Girl's Guide to Marketing, My crickets crush your workbook and how to make that impossible goal possible, and I keep adding stuff. That means no signing up over and over and over again. It is just there for you to access when you want it. Also, So you are the only people, if you sign up for the Sue's Crew membership, who will have access to any free trainings and master classes that I do. The only people that get that are free Sue's crew members. You also will be invited to my free super secret Sue's crew members only group, the visible and profitable entrepreneur. That is awesome. That is women who are serious About running a business, getting visible, and being successful, unlike some of the other groups out there that, let's face it, are a complete free for all of people who aren't really interested, but they're just looking for a place to promote.
Suzanne Proksa:
This group is not that kind of group. You also get special offers and discounts that I will only give to people who are members of my free Sue's Crew membership. And that does include on coaching and programs and things that come up. You get first notice, first dibs, and you get discounts. So that means if the if I launch something that only 5 people can get into, if you are part of this membership, you're going to get first Notice and first dibs, which is awesome. So if you are super pumped and you wanna join, I've made it super easy. Just go to, that's, and it will take you to the page to sign up. And that is it.
Suzanne Proksa:
I hope to see you in the If you did, give me those shout outs, show me some love on iTunes, give me a rating and hey, if you wanna know where to find me, You can find me on pretty much all social media at suzanneproksa. That's s u z a n n e P r o k s a. And you can also head over to my website, Suzanne Until then, we'll see you in the next episode, and here is for you.