7 Women Who Are Crushing It In Their Businesses with Chronic Illness

"When you are a female entrepreneur with chronic illness, there are a myriad of additional obstacles that you have to overcome when trying to run a business." When you are a female entrepreneur with chronic illness, there are a myriad of additional obstacles that you have to overcome when trying to run a business.  As if all of the “regular” obstacles aren’t enough.  Can I get an amen? I often run across women who get discouraged or don’t think they can do ...

4 Ways to Give Value Without Giving Away the WHOLE Farm

"Truth be told, my Instagram Famous Biz Babe Challenge, Load Up Your List Challenge and several Masterclasses I did ALL should have been paid offerings. Every single one. And participants told me that!" One of the most common questions I get asked is how to know how much is too much when it comes to free value. And I have to give my wishy washy answer….it depends. It depends on your business, what your goals are, what you are leading up to, and more. What I can say is that your ...

The Top 5 Reasons I See Women Not Attracting Clients (BMM EP 27)

"I see women every day who cannot easily tell me what they do and who they serve."   SUMMARY This is a tough topic because nobody wants to admit they may be to blame for their client attraction woes but the truth is, that is usually where the blame lies. Let’s dive in. 1. Lack of Clarity I see women every day who cannot easily tell me what they do and who they serve. This is a huge problem because if you don’t know, your potential clients don’t know either. ...

6 Types of Self-Sabotage You May Be Doing in Your Business That You Aren’t Even Aware Of

"We didn’t do enough of the things or we spent 14 hours in Canva rather than creating content (like this)." After I got done doing one of my lives last week, someone asked me to expand upon what self-sabotage is and what it looks like in business. Having done TONS of work on making sure this doesn’t happen myself I admittedly forgot that we don’t talk about this enough because it’s a “touchy” topic. Anyone who knows me understands that I feel honesty is ...

How to Easily Create a Masterclass Challenge or Freebie

"I know a lot of people have a hard time figuring out how to put something like this together."  Online business is an odd duck. I remember as a newbie struggling with the whole give away the farm for free thing. Yes, yours truly had the BIG mindset issue around giving away free value. Now I LOVE it! When people say that people will still work with you even if you give tons of free value, it’s true to an extent. One major theme I’ve noticed in all of the sales books ...

Building Genuine Connections in Online Marketing: Beyond Hit It and Quit It Strategies

"While the allure of quick fixes and instant success stories may seem appealing, the foundation for a thriving online business lies in building genuine connections and fostering authenticity."  In today's fast-paced digital world, the realm of online marketing is constantly evolving. While the allure of quick fixes and instant success stories may seem appealing, the foundation for a thriving online business lies in building genuine connections and fostering authenticity. In this blog ...

3 Things to Think About If You Are Going to Be Using Facebook Ads in the Future

"Much like your page likers, you need to make sure that you have your ideal peeps on your email list." If you are expecting to use Facebook ads in the future, check out my tips on 3 things you should make sure you are doing now to ensure that your audience is laser focused and you aren’t tossing dolla bills out the window.   1. Make sure your Facebook Page likes are your ideal clients or customers. In the future, you will likely be using this audience to do two things ...

5 Steps to Get Over Your Fear of Facebook Live

"Comparisonitis can be the killer of dreams." Fear of doing Facebook Live…well the struggle is real for many people.  Whether it be because we are afraid of what others might think or feeling like we need a diva light and some crazy ass white or green curtain thing because an expert told us so, it can be a real barrier to growing our businesses.  Here are 5 steps to help you get past that fear: 1. Embrace your expertise. This alone will boost your confidence.  In the ...

How to Use the Power of Observation to Make Your Business Stand Out

"This curious nature helped me find solutions for clients because it helped me dive even deeper into root causes of problems my clients were dealing with." When I was a Health Coach, I used to study medication commercials to “diagnose” the science behind what the medication was really doing. Was it manipulating something in the liver? In the brain? Was it really just a drug with a ton of side effects that did the same thing a natural remedy could do (*cough…Humira)? This ...

How to Ditch the Salesy From Your Discovery Calls

"If you’ve done your due diligence, a discovery call can be fun and result in a sale with very little effort!"  Discovery calls are a cornerstone of online business.  It’s how we find our Gwen to our Blake, the peanut butter to our jelly, the perfect cream for our coffee….you get the picture.  People really wig out over discovery calls and it is so unnecessary.  The drama and stress that we cause ourselves just dooms us for an epic fail.  So ...

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