Search results for '#Brand'

The Power of a Brand: Learn About the Five C's of Branding with Kim Rozdeba (HHR EP26)

"Commitment is the why of a brand which involves its promise, cause or vision, values and purpose."   SUMMARY (AI ASSISTED) This podcast conversation featured Suzanne Proksa, an HR and business strategist, and Kim who has written a book called Branding Queens. They discussed the importance of branding for businesses and the five Cs of branding: commitment, construct, who, content and consistency. Commitment is the why of a brand which involves its promise, cause or vision, ...

Confidence to Attract Ideal Clients with KC Cohn (HHR EP16)

"When we are unsure of our direction or purpose, it can become challenging to exude confidence in our business ventures."   SUMMARY (AI ASSISTED) In the fast-paced world of business, the ability to attract ideal clients is a coveted skill. Confidence plays a significant role in this journey, as self-assurance is key to showcasing our true potential. Wavering confidence can hinder our success in the competitive entrepreneurial landscape. The pathway to attracting ideal clients ...

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